Watch Out for These Tax Myths

Watch Out for These Tax Myths

MYTH: /miTH/ (noun) – a widely held but false belief or idea

Many myths about the IRS and the tax code have been amplified online in recent years. Here are several myths that if you believe them, could leave you with an expensive tax surprise.

Myth #1: Retirement money is always tax free.

You have retired and withdraw from a 401(k) fully expecting that you won’t owe income taxes. Unfortunately, money withdrawn at any age from a 401(k) – or your traditional IRA – incurs income taxes at your current tax rate.

Lesson Learned: Understand how money in each of your retirement accounts is taxed when withdrawn. Some will have income taxes, some could incur early withdrawal penalties, while some incur no tax at all!

Myth #2: The government won’t find out about a big gambling win.

Gambling winnings are considered taxable income to the feds and most states. The IRS generally wants about a quarter of your winnings from sweepstakes, casinos, bingo, keno, online sports betting, and the like. Casinos and other betting entities also inform the IRS of your winnings over certain thresholds. So it is always best to keep track of your winnings.

Lesson Learned: Gambling winnings fall under tax rules just like other forms of income. Deducting gambling losses is possible, but it has limits that are subject to strict rules. For example, you must itemize deductions on your tax return if you don’t declare yourself a self-employed professional gambler.

Myth #3: Government benefits like unemployment and Social Security aren’t taxable.

Unfortunately, unemployment and Social Security benefits are usually taxable. Unemployment benefits are taxed at your normal tax rate as income at the federal level and in some states. Social Security is taxed, but in a much more confusing way. Supplemental Security Income payments, on the other hand, are not taxable.

Lesson Learned: Plan ahead to mitigate the tax shock. You can have taxes withheld from your unemployment benefits so you don’t have to pay a lump sum when you file your return. With Social Security benefits, understand when and how they can be taxed, since up to 80% of these benefits could be subject to income tax by the federal government.

Myth #4: I work from home and can write off my office expenses.

You can only deduct home office expenses if you operate a business out of your home. If you’re an employee, you’re out of luck. If you do run a business exclusively out of your home, there are still hurdles to clear before you qualify to use the home office deduction.

Lesson Learned: Tax rules can be complicated, even for something that seems as simple as a home office deduction.

If there’s one common theme here, it’s that tax laws can be complex even when they seem simple on the surface. When in doubt ask for help.

Facts About Social Security

Facts About Social Security

Average Retirement Benefits Starting January 2025

Average Benefits – All Workers

•             2025: $1,976/mo (+$69)

•             2024: $1,907/mo

Maximum Benefits for Workers Retiring at Full Retirement Age

•             2025: $4,018/mo (+$196)

•             2024: $3,822/mo

An 2.5% cost of living increase for Social Security retirement benefits and SSI payments begins with December 2024 benefits (payable in January 2025).

Increase your Social Security retirement benefits by 5-8% per year when you delay applying until you’re age 70.

Social Security Revenues & Expenditures

Revenue Sources = $1.35 trillion

•             3.7% – Taxation of benefits

•             5.0% – Interest

•             91.3% – Payroll taxes

Expenditures = $1.39 trillion

•             0.4% – Railroad Retirement financial interchange

•             0.5% – Administrative expenses

•             99.1% – Benefit payments

SOURCE: 2024 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds, Table II.B1.

2025 Social Security & Medicare Tax Rates

Your employer pays 7.65%

As an employee, you pay 7.65%

If you’re self-employed, you pay 15.3%

NOTE: The above tax rates are a combination of 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare. There is also a 0.9% Medicare wages surtax for those with wages above $200,000 single ($250,000 joint filers) that is not reflected in these figures.

Item                                                                                                2025                    2024                    Change

Maximum earning amount subject to Social Security tax                          $176,100                $168,600           +$7,500

Maximum amount you may pay in Social Security taxes (6.2%)              $10,918                $10,453              +$465

•             184+ million people work and pay Social Security taxes

•             Social Security has provided financial protection for Americans since 1935

Social Security Payments Explained

•             Social Security (SS) retirement benefits are for people who have paid into the Social Security system through taxable income.

•             Social Security Disability (SSD or SSDI) benefits are for people who have disabilities but have paid into the Social Security the system through taxable income.

•             Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are for adults and children who have disabilities, plus limited income and resources.

Maximum SSI Payments

Filing Status                    2025                    2024                    Change

Individual                          $967/mo            $943/mo            + $24

Couple                $1,450/mo         $1,415/mo         + $35

How does Social Security work?

•             When you work, you pay taxes into Social Security.

•             The Social Security Administration uses your tax money to pay benefits to people right now.

•             Any unused money goes into Social Security trust funds and is borrowed by the government to pay for other programs.

•             Later on when you retire, you receive benefits.

How to qualify for retirement benefits

When you work and pay Social Security taxes, you earn credits toward benefits. The number of credits you need to earn retirement benefits depends on when you were born.

•             If you were born in 1929 or later, you need 40 credits (10 years of work) to receive retirement benefits      

•             You receive one credit for each $1,810 of earnings in 2025

•             4 credits maximum per year

Did you know you can check your benefits status before you retire?

•             You can check online by creating a my Social Security account on the SSA website. If you don’t have an account, you’ll be mailed a paper Social Security statement 3 months

before your 61st birthday.

•             It shows your year-by-year earnings, and estimates of retirement, survivors and disability benefits you and your family may be able to receive now and in the future.

•             If it doesn’t show earnings from a state or local government employer, contact them. The work may not be covered within Social Security.


Tax Planning Tips for Your Business

Tax Planning Tips for Your Business

As 2024 winds down, here are some ideas to help you prepare your business for filing your upcoming tax return:

  • Informational returns. Identify all vendors who require a 1099-MISC and a 1099-NEC. Obtain tax identification numbers (TINs) for each of these vendors if you have not already done so.
  • Shifting income and expenses. Consider accelerating income, or deferring earnings, based on profit projections.
  • Be prepared to receive a Form 1099-K. You may receive a Form 1099-K from each payment processor from whom you’ve received a payment. In addition to credit card companies and banks, payment processors can include Amazon, Etsy, PayPal, Venmo and Apple Pay. You’ll need to include the 1099-K on your tax return.
  • Categorize income and expenses. Organize your records by major categories of income, expenses and fixed asset purchases. If your accounting records are accurate, then any tax form should be easy to tie out to your books.
  • Separation of expenses. Review business accounts to ensure personal expenses are not present. Reimburse the business for any expenses discovered during this review.
  • Create expense reports. Having expense reports with supporting invoices and business credit card statements with corresponding invoices will help substantiate your deductions in the event of an audit.
  • Fixed asset planning. Section 179 or bonus depreciation expensing versus traditional depreciation is a great planning tool. If using Section 179, the qualified assets must be placed in service prior to year-end.
  • Leveraging business meals. Business meals with clients or customers are 50% deductible. Retain the necessary receipts and documentation that note when the meal took place, who attended and the business purpose on each receipt.
  • Charitable opportunities. Consider any last-minute deductible charitable giving including long-term capital gain stocks.
  • Cell phone record review. Review your telephone records for qualified business use. While expensing a single landline out of a home office can be difficult to deduct, cell phone use can be documented and deducted for business purposes.
  • Inventory review. Review your inventory for proper counts and remove obsolete or worthless products. Keep track of the obsolete and worthless amounts for a potential deduction.
  • Review your receivables. Focus on collection activities and review your uncollectible accounts for possible write-offs.
  • Review your estimated tax payments. Recap your year-to-date estimated tax payments and compare them to your forecast of full year earnings. Then make your 2024 4th quarter estimated tax payment by January 15, 2025.
Creative Ways to Save Money

Creative Ways to Save Money

Saving money doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, with a little creativity, it can be both fun and rewarding. Here are some interesting ways to boost your savings without feeling like you’re missing out.

  • Embrace the 30-Day Rule. If you find yourself wanting to make an impulse purchase, give yourself 30 days to think it over. This rule allows time for the initial excitement to wear off, helping you decide if you truly need or want the item. If you still want it after 30 days, then go for it! If not, you’ve saved yourself from a purchase you may later regret.
  • Try a No-Spend Challenge. Challenge yourself to a no-spend day, week, or even a month. This means avoiding unnecessary purchases and focusing only on essentials, such as groceries, rent, and utilities. Not only does it help you save, but it also makes you more aware of your spending patterns and helps reset your budget habits.
  • Have a use-it-up month. Designate a month to use up everything you already have before buying more. This can apply to pantry items, food in the freezer, cleaning supplies, and even beauty products. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save by simply using what you already own instead of restocking.
  • Create a Fun Jar. Use a clear jar as a visual savings tool. For example, set a goal to fill the jar with loose change or a specific dollar bill, like $5 or $10. This works especially well if you want to save for something fun, like a weekend getaway or a special purchase. Watching the jar fill up can be surprisingly motivating.
  • Make gifts instead of buying them. Homemade gifts are often more thoughtful and can save you a lot of money compared to store-bought options. You could bake cookies, create a photo album, or craft something unique. DIY gifts don’t just save money, they also add a personal touch that recipients appreciate.
  • Use a cash envelope system. Using cash instead of debit or credit cards can help control spending. Create envelopes for each budget category (groceries, entertainment, dining out) and place your allotted amount of cash in each. When the cash is gone, you know you’ve hit your limit for that category, which can curb overspending.
  • NEVER carry a credit card balance. Speaking of credit cards, carrying a balance from one month to another means wasting money on interest expense. Pay yourself – and not your bank! – by paying your credit card off in full every month.

With a little creativity, you can make saving money both fun and rewarding.

Make Your Hiring Process a Success!

Make Your Hiring Process a Success!

Whether you’re a sole proprietor ready to hire your first employee, or you already have employees and think you’re ready to hire your next team member, here’s a two-step process to help make your hiring process a success!

Step #1: Define your needs

Long before you start interviewing, think carefully about why you need an employee and how you’re going to work with the new hire. Do you need someone to bring new skills that the business is lacking? Filling a vacated position? Or are you looking for someone to share your workload and free up your time?

If you’re looking for specific skills, perhaps a fractional hire or a consultant can fill your need.

Remember that hiring an employee will also create new challenges to take up your time – payroll, employment regulations, tax reporting, benefits, and so on.

Other questions to consider:

  • Will your new employee be part-time or full-time?
  • Will he or she work under your direct supervision, or will you delegate responsibility to your new hire?
  • Are you prepared for the challenge of giving up hands-on control over part of your business?

Think hard about these issues until you have a very clear idea of what you want from your new employee.

Step #2: Find the right person

Once you’ve defined the role you want your next employee to fill, the second step in your hiring process is to find the right person.

You and your new employee will be working closely together, so good personal chemistry is essential. Think about possible candidates whose work you know, perhaps employees of your suppliers or other businesses you deal with. Interview thoroughly, check references, and above all, trust your intuition.

Hiring employees is always fraught with uncertainty and challenges. But you can increase your chances for success by defining what you need from this employee, then looking for the right person.

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